Dr. Jennifer Hauck


Dr. Jennifer Hauck graduated in human geography and has been active in the field of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research for almost 20 years. Thus, she has considerable knowledge and experience in the design of development and sustainability processes and the co-production of knowledge. Due to her training as a facilitator, she supports projects in a process-oriented manner, finds strategic solutions, motivates the project participants and supports your project's success in the long term.

Furthermore, she is a qualified trainer for adult education. In this context, she develops innovative courses for different target groups as well as in different formats. She puts great value on the practical relevance and feasibility of learning contents.

Professional background:


Educational background:

  • 2020/2021: Training for multimedia-based teaching at the Center for media-enhanced Learning and Teaching, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
  • 2018/2019: Training as mediator “Mediation und Diversity” at ImKonsens
  • 2015/2016: „In Führung gehen“ - the Helmholtz Mentoring Program for female junior staff
  • 2011:            Course for Trainers at the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bildung und Beruf e.V., Contents: Design and leading of seminars, presentations and moderation
  • 2006-2009: PhD student at the University of Bonn International Graduate School for Development and the Department of Geography, University of Bonn. Dissertation title: Managing Social-Ecological Systems for Resilience: Fisheries in the Small Reservoirs of Northern Ghana
  • 2006-2009: Doctoral Fellowship of the BMBF-Program International Postgraduate Studies in Water Technologies - IPSWaT
  • 2003-2006: Student and research assistant in the GLOWA Volta project at the Center for Development Research (ZEF)
  • 1999-2005: Degree in Geography (with minor subjects in Sociology and Political Science) at the University of Bonn


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